Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Spying is wrong..."

Looks like Emerald has been spying on Trey and he caught her. Why she spied he's not sure, but he knows how to teach her that it's wrong...with a good old spanking, while carrying her over his shoulder as he is walking home.

Trey: Have you learned something~?

Emerald: Yes! Spying is bad! T_T

Trey: And~?

Emerald: I'll never do it again! Please stop, people can see my butt! >//<

Trey: Hmm.......Nah~ :devilish:

I wonder, is she crying because of the spanking, or the fact that her butt is showing in public? XD

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe... ^////^

    you better tell Annaliese to stop spying on Penguin... XD
