Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Clinched with Blade Blaster

YGODevPro Replay #1

Clinched the duel With the underrated T.G. Blade Blaster

Eat that, Exodia douchebag!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gmod Comic - Hotel Shenanigans 2

And the scene continues.... >=3
Nikki robs the spotlight this time, while Penny is in the shower...
But next time.... >|D

Gmod Comic - Hotel Shenanigans

Something I whipped up because I was bored and had time to kill...
AND I just like Penny and Nikki too much. So much that I need to make embarrassing scenes With them in Gmod and in pencil Pictures. XD Sorry you? ^-^;;
Dat Ebony Pyro skin, tho. :3
Dem booties too~